1 Year

In August, for the first time in over a year, I had the urge to call you and chat while I was walking home; 8 months after the chances of you picking up the phone were reduced to zero. I have tried to write about Mom many times over the past twelve months and never... Continue Reading →

Christmas gifts from Mom.

I’ll reflect on the new year soon, but I wanted to start it off with practicing a bit of gratitude (the scientists say it is good for your health). This Christmas, my mom wasn’t able to give gifts in her usual fashion. She loved to set up “Santa’s Workshop” each year, wrapping parcels for many... Continue Reading →

8 days.

It feels like a dramatic title, but I also can't conjure something up that feels appropriate for a subject that is dramatic for me: My mom passed away eight days ago. My mom was extremely generous but also a bit of a mystery, keeping the cards life dealt her close to her chest - especially... Continue Reading →

(Re)Starting right here.

I looked back at 8 drafts I gan writing over the last 2.5 years, which told a somewhat funny story of looking ahead to the hope of a new decade with 2020, intention-setting for that new decade, shock over COVID, dismay at how the year actually unfolded, how to search for a job in the... Continue Reading →

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